Feral pigeon, wood pigeon, crows and Gull infestation is now a common problem in Irish towns, cities and farms. Bird pest control is now a service that grain mills, farmers, brewery’s, ports and storage facilitates may have to avail of. Birds nest and roost in derelict buildings, farmers sheds and they feed from grain stores or live crops, creating immediate issues.
Veminator is an expert in the area of pest control with satisfied clients throughout Ireland.
Why bird pest control is important.
Birds excrement can corrodes steel or concrete; when feces dry it becomes airborne and toxic particles are potentially harmful to humans and the environment.
Bird fouling, smells bad, spreads diseases and may damage buildings and equipment
Bird droppings can cause damage to buildings, ventilation systems, equipment and vehicles, can also cause diseases. . Roofing, balconies and other suitable vantage points can provide birds with suitable areas to nest, leaving surrounding areas beneath exposed.
Veminator can also clean up bird fouling and dead birds.
NB. Birds in Ireland are protected except for feral pigeons.